Information Retrieval and Extraction
Fall 2005

Homework Webpage


Homework #1 :Evaluation Measures

The the query-document relevance information (AssessmentTrainSet.txt) for a set of queries (16 queries) on a collection of 2,265 documents is provided. An IR model is then tested on this query set  and save the corresponding ranking results in a file (ResultsTrainSet.txt) . Please evaluate the overall model performance using the following two measures.

1. Interpolated Recall-Precision Curve: 
    (for each query)

          (overall performance)

2. (Non-interpolated) Mean Average Precision:


, where "non-interpolated average precision" is "average precision at seen relevant documents" introduced in the textbook.

Example 1: Interpolated Recall-Precision Curve (By Roger Kuo, Spring 2003)

Example 2: (Non-interpolated) Mean Average Precision (By Li-Der Huang, Spring 2003)


Homework #2 : Retrieval Models and Query Reformulation

A  set of text queries (16 queries) and a collection of text documents ( 2,265 documents) is provided, in which each word is represented as a number except that the number "-1" is a delimiter.

1. Implement an information retrieval system based on the Vector (Space) Model or Probabilistic Model, as well as different term weighting schemes. The query-document   relevance information is in "AssessmentTrainSet.txt".  You should evaluated you system with the two measures described in HW#1.

2. Integrate the function of query expansion and term re-weighting into your retrieval system that has been built in 1. Either (automatic) reference feedback or local analysis can be adopted as the strategy for it, but local analysis is preferred.

